Friday, November 9, 2007

"The Art Of Manifesting with a Treasure Map"

“ Either you create your life and live your own dreams or you'll become a pawn in someone else's.”
Barbara Pellegrino

Since 1994 I have been living a life way beyond my wildest dreams! Traveling the world with my Husband, the man of my dreams, living in “sun kissed” Hawaii, enjoying life’s limitless beauty and teaching my own workshops called, "Treasure Mapping Your Way to Success."

No one believed it was possible except my mother and I. We were the only ones who actually believed in my dream. And nowadays, the rest still shake their heads in amazement and wonder, how it all happened? Many still pass it off as.... “she got lucky!”

Let me tell you a little secret, IT IS NOT LUCK! Ask others who are living their wildest dreams. They will tell you it has nothing to do with luck.

Its a formula and the basic ingredients are desire, belief and having a clear picture in your mind.

We all create our own lives, including our good fortune and abundance. And Yes, it can happen for you and you can share it with the people you know and love, so it can happen for them also.

The three secrets to creating your goals, dreams, and desires; abundantly, delightfully and easily are, TLC:
1) T - Treasure Map.(Vision Board) A visual representation of your goals, dreams and desires.
2) L - Laws. Understanding the Universal Laws, especially Attraction.
3) C - Creation/Manifestation. Learning the Art of Manifesting.

Sometimes your goals and dreams will come to fruition quickly. Sometimes they may take a little longer and they always come at the perfect time. Having a completed treasure map activates the Law of Attraction and brings to fulfillment the Art of Manifestation.

Creating your Treasure Map will help you manifest whatever you want in life, because your extremely powerful, “creative mind” understands and works in pictures. Looking at your map will trigger your passions give your mind focus and laser beam clarity. Therefore your subconscious mind becomes programmed like a guided missile towards your goals and dreams, instead of just dwelling on and recreating your past!

Your Treasure Map is a visual representation of how you want your future to BECOME. Just like you have success pictures and photos on your walls at home. You will now have a map with clear and definite pictures that will direct your creative mind in manifesting your future.

Your history does not have to repeat ITSELF! Your past is not your future! Turn around, look at your dreams and move forward now.

You might say, I already have written goals. That’s great for the left side of your brain, but what about including the right side, the creative side? ADDING THE VISUALS, is the more powerful way to set your goals and achieve the dreams and abundance you want. The only limit is your level of desire, and your willingness to act.

I do not know of any other process that offers greater rewards relative to the actual effort exerted.

The map I made in 1994 is still bringing me great joys and wonderful adventures and I create new maps regularly to add to my fabulous and abundantly happy life.

From the reefs of Australia to the rainbows of Hawaii Barbara is a speaker, trainer, author and coach. She travels extensively and presents her workshop “Treasure Mapping Your Way to Success”, in Hawaii. Mainland USA and internationally. She is renowned for teaching people how to make their dreams come true. Barbara began her quest for living the life she loves, after studying and then teaching Mind Powers, she studied “Money and You” with Robert Kiyosaki and then earned her certification as a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) facilitator and trainer. She continues in her quest to bring you the best!

Jumping for Joy

Are you still jumping for joy?

Would you like a really practical and fun way to harness the Law of Attraction and magnetize your goals, dreams and desires easily? You have probably seen and heard recent DVD’s like “The Secret” or “What the bleep?” state that everything in the Universe is energy and like attracts like.

What exactly does that mean? Like attracts like? When they say opposites attract? Well, if you really examine, the “opposites” attract theory you will find at their core, these things that are meant to be opposite are really the same! Magnets are still metal, just one end has a positive charge, the other end has a negative charge, but it’s still a metal magnet attracting metals.

You may be attracted to your opposite, but you will find you have more similarities than opposites. In this Universe you cannot attract the opposite. You will always attract to you, the people, situations and circumstances according to your own personal vibration. The energy you send out comes back to you, the thoughts and feelings you experience many times over and/or more intensely, will in fact come back to you. So how do you attract what you really want?

One fun way is to JUMP FOR JOY!

I observed a small child recently in a store. As his father was about to give him a sweet treat the child jumped for joy, clapped his hands, giggled laughed and was unashamedly eager to receive the treat! When he received it, he gobbled it up joyously, still extremely excited, happy to experience the gift and buoyant in his energy.

His happiness and delight, charmed and amused all of us who stood there and watched this sweet innocent child. Can you remember the last time you were so excited about receiving something that you literally jumped for joy? I can and it wasn’t too long ago! I get that excited every time I run a Treasure Mapping class because I know what treats my students will be attracting to themselves.

Energy is catchy! Your energy sends out a resonance in waves ( imagine a rippling effect) and other people are always affected, just as you are affected by others’ energy or moods. Only those who are well trained and understand the Law of Attraction can avoid being affected by other peoples moods.

The Universe responds to all the energy you put out. Your personal vibration, your resonance (your predominant thoughts and feelings) is what is responsible for what you experience in your reality not your wishes and hopes and longings. Like attracts like!

So why don’t you start now to jump for joy? Look at your Treasure Map and celebrate it, jump for joy, enhance and increase your personal vibration to attract to you more things that you really would “jump for joy” about.

Please send this to your friends now and have more people jumping for joy in anticipation of and celebrating their dreams and goals with you!

Barbara Pellegrino is an NLP trainer who runs workshops, and coaches the Law of attraction and Mind Power incorporating a visual Goal setting tool called a Treasure Map or Vision Board. Visit her website to discover more:




Now that you have a Treasure Map a visual road map to your success, you can decide if your goals and dreams are S.M.A.R.T.

S - Specific. Clarity leads to power and success. Remember your subconscious mind is very literal, is your goal specific, clearly defined? Easy to understand? It needs to make sense to you. Your Treasure Map can be general but your journaling and visualizations need to be specific so you can target and achieve your exact goal.

M - Measurable. How will you know that you have your goal? If you want to drop weight, is it 3 or 30 pounds? If you want to improve your income, will finding a quarter in the street satisfy you? Or do you want to increase your net income by $2000, $20,000 or $200,000? How will you measure your success? The subconscious mind doesn’t understand loss or gain you will need to state an exact number. For example: I now weigh a healthy 115 pounds. Or I now earn $40,000 every month.

A - Attainable. Is your goal realistic? I fully believe we create our own reality and I am extremely practical. So ask yourself, is your goal achievable now? Do you have all the skills needed to manifest this? Do you need to grow, stretch and learn or heal some things to help you along the way to your dreams? Do you need to make space for you goals? So many people set goals but are often too busy or afraid to be willing to receive them. Remember the basic formula:


I suggest that you adopt the attitude of being prepared to do “whatever it takes” and you will find many times you wont have to, purely because you have stated that intention very clearly and having the attitude is enough to activate the law of attraction. Sometimes you will be challenged and have to do and keep doing whatever it takes... and that’s where you will need to look at the passion factor/ relevance below. If your goal requires a certain skill set e.g. To become a doctor, speaker, dancer, great athlete, investor, please go and learn these skills. Take action and keep taking what Jack Canfield calls “inspired action” until you have what you want. Taking action is part of the believing section and in doing so you are telling the universe you are willing to receive. (note: taking action is important in both worlds, the outer world of reality and the inner world of thoughts and feelings, i.e.... Doing your Mind work and being disciplined with your thinking and “vibes” you are generating.)

R- Relevant. This has to do with Passion. You can decide to have any goal you want, but if its not a true passion for you, is it really relevant to your life and worth your time and energy? When a goal is also a passion you will find endless strength and enthusiasm to succeed and keep going, even through the rough spots, or “growth spurts”.

T- Time. The usual left brain goal setting techniques suggest you put a time frame, a deadline around your goals and many people like to give their goals a definite date. I partly agree. Holistic goal setting and using the Mind Skills and Affirmations, are all about having your desired reality NOW.

If you feel compelled to put a date on your Treasure Maps, I would suggest you write the date with this qualifier, “......or sooner” e.g. “ By December 30, 2007, or sooner, Thank you”. This will allow the universe and your subconscious mind to bring it to you as quickly as possible. Joe Vitale says “the Universe likes speed”. Do You? During your visualizations see it, feel it, hear it, touch it, taste it, smell it as if you have already achieved it all NOW.

Please be aware that if you have nominated a specific time frame it could put undue pressure on you and encourage non supportive thinking habits to infiltrate such as: fear, worry, panic, feeling rushed. Be very conscious of your thoughts. You cannot attract something to you by focusing or worrying about the opposite!

Use the timeline as a guide and a request. If you miss the timeline, take the timeline off your map and affirm, visualize and celebrate using “now” instead of the specific date/time.
If you do miss your date, determine if it was because your goal is not aligned with your higher purpose or passion, or it is bigger than you originally thought, or is it that you have changed your desires? You are extremely powerful and if you do not attain your goal by the time your “realistically” chose, there is a reason. Re-evaluate what it is you want, why you want it and is it for your highest good?

Have fun with your creations and manifesting. I look forward to hearing about your great success, very soon




Emile Coue (a French pharmacist and psychologist known as the father of applied conditioning) developed the concept of auto suggestion and gave this affirmation to all his patients, to say to themselves repeatedly through out the day:

"Every day in every way I get better and better"

Affirmations are small short easy, positively worded, sentences that you say to
yourself (self talk), to keep your mind focused on what you want from life. You can say them out loud, you can say them in your own mind, you can make them into a song in your mind, you can get your kids to sing along.

They are like self fulfilling prophecies. You probably already do a lot of unconscious self talk, why not make it conscious and choose the things you say to yourself ?

Why not be your own cheerleader? If not YOU who will be?

To affirm is to make FIRM, firm in your mind, firm in your life!

“For in the end we do not choose the life we live.......


Affirmations should to be repeated many times over, like a song that got stuck in your mind. Remember the song ?..... "its a small world after all"... I have yet to meet someone who doesn't say to me:- "No! Don't say it, now its stuck in my mind and I'll be singing THAT #@!!%% song for the rest of the day!"

Now, its time for YOU to choose what you want to get stuck in YOUR mind!

You may wish to print these affirmations and read them to yourself. Please use the ones you like best, and / or design your own:

Miracle shall follow miracle, wonders will always be, I give thanks for this perfect day

I am always in the right place at the right time for the highest good of all concerned

I always say the right thing to the right person at the right time for the highest good of all concerned

This or something better happens for me now, for the highest good for all concerned

I am a great business builder and I have a really supportive team around me, now and always.

I see beauty all around me, my life is good,all is well

I am healthy,happy,wealthy and wise,now and always

Everything gets done easily and efficiently, now.

I love and trust myself, life is elegant and easy

I am organized and efficient

I am successful in all my endeavors

The Universe and My subconscious mind are my partners in Success

I attract success and abundance into my life now, easily and happily

There is plenty of time for everything

I enjoy my life and all I see,feel smell,taste and touch.

I am on the right path for me, now and always

Good things are happening for me now

I am safe in this world

You can create your own! You can add your name to them also and put your favorites on your Treasure Map.

E-mail me and I can help you word them...

If at any time you feel any resistance to these statements, then ask yourself a question:

"What would it be like, if..... (and then say the affirmation)"

Asking a question like this allows the mind chatter and resistance to drop away, and it enables your subconscious mind to accept your self talk and it will become like a guided missile to get you to where you are affirming.... as easily and quickly as it can!
