I was very fortunate to meet Frank Shorter and interview him.
He shared with me 3 steps to Success:
It may sound a little unconventional but it works!
1. "Brain Dead Consistency" in training for the event and visualizing the end result.
This goes way beyond developing a habit. It is about "doing the doing"- no matter what.
Napoleon Hill called it "keeping on- keeping on."
2. Familiarity. When your chance comes, and it will, it will seem familiar …and you will intuitively know what to do.
3. Action. When your chance comes… You will take action, you will grab the chance, sometimes on a hunch, you will trust your instincts and not be afraid of mistakes, with an inner knowing that you are on track.
Enjoy this short video.... http://youtu.be/pT_L19I0FVg
Love Barbara
Celebrating YOUR Success!Helping Busy Entrepreneurs Quickly Achieve their Dreams…
Specializing in:
Barbara PellegrinoVision Board Success TrainerTransformational Life Coach, ACC, CPC, CECMaster Practitioner Energy LeadershipNLP Facilitator, Accelerated Learning Trainer,Speaker, Author.
Vision Board Creation, vision Board Success,Quantum Shifts Life Coaching(where a small shift can produce a huge result)