Monday, December 3, 2007


Recently, whilst I was in Australia my friend Liliane Grace, (author of the mastery Club) and I were discussing how to support students who don’t get everything they want in the time frames they may expect. This is a question I have pondered and contemplated for a while as I observe so many of my students manifesting quickly and easily many (if not all) of the dreams they have on their Maps, while others seem to struggle and get disappointed that the Treasures just seem to be elusive.

During my workshops I mention Malcolm Gladwell's book, "The Tipping Point", for the purpose of explaining that manifesting takes time and energy and once there is enough energy applied results will show. Some students have already put time and energy into their goals and dreams and all it takes for them to manifest miraculously is, to get a clear picture and commit it to paper, by making the Treasure map and "voila" almost instantly, the goals manifest. While others are just beginning the journey towards their goals and have some growing and in some cases some healing and maybe some reprogramming to experience before the universe brings them their goals.

When people start to experience the zig zagging (which is normal, it’s part of the journey of personal development and growth that needs to occur for you to BE the person who naturally has the goal you are seeking), or get disappointed that their dreams didn't manifest when they expected them to, there is always some Mind work that can be done to help them continue on the journey and get results. I can support you with the 30 day accelerator workbook and I offer personal one to one coaching, plus free email advice to students.

The basic answer is KEEP GOING, do the inner mind work, be diligent with your affirmations and self talk and do whatever it takes.

Is the prize worth the PRICE? If it is keep going, the law of attraction will work once you resonate, vibrate at the required frequency. You will know whether the goal is worth the effort required to attain it.

This article comes from my friend Liliane Grace, Author of "The Mastery Club" an amazing book about a group of young teenagers who have some fun and interesting adventures while they learn and practise the principles of the law of attraction. Liliane is an insightful and extremely eloquent writer, so it is my pleasure to share this article with you. To learn more about "The Mastery Club" please visit you can download the 1st four chapters. I have books here in Hawaii, if you'd like to own your own copy or give to some special kids, just let me know.


To put it simply, sometimes we don’t get what we want because the timing isn’t right, sometimes because the goal isn’t right, sometimes because our reason isn’t right...

The purpose of this dream-seeking work is not that we can wave a magic wand and instantly get whatever we want, but that we grow. It’s not about what we GET but who we BECOME in the process of achieving our dreams that is most important. It’s pretty easy to come to the conclusion that, once we understand the principles of creative thought, we can have anything we desire or do anything we want to do, but these laws are not some sort of push- button technology; they’re about personal development, spiritual growth and the fact that everything comes ‘by right of consciousness’, which means you can only manifest what you have earned by doing your ‘inner work’.

So if we make a treasure map or say affirmations and our dream doesn’t manifest quickly, then that time delay is a reflection of our process of growing into the person who truly identifies with the desired outcome. This is a funny paradox about manifestation: when you feel that you have it (whatever is is), that’s your clue that it’s on its way. If you know it’s yours, it’s yours; if you doubt it or you’re trying to ‘bring it’ or make it happen, it’s not.

So... if it’s not coming to me, I’m not ready for it or it’s not right for me. This brings up the question: how do we make ourselves ready faster?! How do we grow into that person? How do we ‘earn the right’? How do we develop that consciousness? How do we accept that it may not be right for us?

This is my answer to those questions: * Do what you love. Your inner work includes honoring yourself by doing what makes you feel vital and alive. (By the way, that’s what you’re here to do...)* Study and understand the principles of creative thought. When we understand them, we’re much more patient because we know we’re dealing with LAWS, and laws work reliably. * Practice the disciplines of affirmations and visualization rather than just reading about them. *

Hold your vision. Be patient and kind to yourself while your dream is still in the invisible. * Be humble as each next challenge (opportunity to grow) turns up. * Learn from feedback.

Ultimately all change comes from the inside: how you see things, how you talk to yourself about them. Remember that while you are practising the principles,you are growing into the person who can have that dream... Just remember that this journey is about getting what we need (for our growth) rather than what we want (for our ego). Trust that the Great Power that created you and everything you experience, truly does know what is best for you. The Grand Organizing Design (G.O.D.) is perfect – there are no mistakes. All is in perfect divine order.

Keep going!
Come,Create & Keep Your Dreams!
Barbara Pellegrino
Treasure Mapping Your Way To Success
For Workshop schedules please visit-

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