Monday, December 3, 2007

Are you attracting exactly what you want in life?

How do some people achieve what they want quickly and continue to set and achieve goals while other people struggle to achieve their dreams and desires even after they learn about the Law of Attraction, even after creating a Treasure map/Vision board?

Are some people luckier than others? No! In fact “according to Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire in England who conducted a 10 year study of luck, people’s thoughts and behavior are often responsible for their good luck and good fortune. ..... lucky people are “skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self fulfilling prophecies via positive expectations and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.”

Excerpt from “All the Money in the World” by Peter W. Bernstein & Annalyn Swan

It sounds to me like the difference between lucky people and unlucky people is that the lucky ones understand and live the basic principles of The Law of Attraction. They have supportive belief systems, which include the pictures in their minds, about their own success.

But you say I think positive, I have a written and clearly defined goal. You may also have your Treasure Map..... and like many people, maybe some areas in your life ARE fantastic...yet, other areas may still be challenging.

As you know the real manifesting power of your mind is the SUBconscious, which has been pre programmed, by all your past experiences and how you feel about them. So, although two people might have very similar pictures in their conscious minds, one person believes they deserve to be successful while the other is full of self doubts and subconsciously doesn’t really believe they deserve to live the life they envision.

Therefore it is vitally important that you keep working on your subconscious mind through the Treasure Maps/Vision Boards, Visualizations and Affirmations, until you absolutely believe at the subconscious level that you deserve everything on your Treasure Map.

Your subconscious mind works in pictures not words, it changes each word to a picture. And each word can conjure up different images to different people.

Have you ever been on a picnic? What memories do you have about picnics? Are they wonderful, romantic, fun and laughter filled events or are your memories of the bugs and soggy sandwiches and hard rocky grounds? One of my students said “I always think of the fun we had at the beach and not the sand in my potato salad... “

If your conscious mind THINKS, its thinking positive and focusing on a goal, the sub conscious mind may have a very different picture in its memory banks, and guess which mind has the greater power.? Yes, the Subconscious !

This is why it is so beneficial to learn how to create a clearly defined Treasure Map / Vision Board of your goals, dreams and desires, as it gives your subconscious mind the CORRECT pictures and you will discover how powerfully you can achieve your goals when your subconscious mind is aligned with your conscious mind.

Dr. Wayne Dyer said many, many years ago “You’ll see it when you believe it”

And that is the power of a Treasure Map over a written list of goals. The subconscious mind is influenced and re- programmed by the pictures it sees repetitively and daily. This process can be accelerated by learning the Mind skills that I teach in The Art of Manifesting and even more so by using my 30 Day Accelerator Mind Training program.

Regularly practicing these mind skills like visualization, affirmations and listening to and refining your own self talk will fast track you to your goals, dreams and desires. ( More about the power of the spoken word next newsletter)


From the reefs of Australia to the rainbows of Hawaii Barbara is a speaker, trainer, author and coach. She travels extensively and presents her workshop “Treasure Mapping Your Way to Success”, in Hawaii. Mainland USA and internationally. She is renowned for teaching people how to make their dreams come true. Barbara began her quest for living the life she loves, after studying and then teaching Mind Powers, she studied “Money and You” with Robert Kiyosaki and then earned her certification as a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) facilitator and trainer. She continues in her quest to bring you the best!

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