1. Its FUN!
2. It works!
3. You can see your dreams before they come true!
4. Your brain works in pictures.
5. Motivation.
6. Inspiration.
7. Something to focus on.
8. You get to create anything you desire.
9. You discover what really excites you.
10. You find your purpose.
11. You discover your passions.
12. It feels good.
13. It reminds you to stay on track.
14. Its your Treasure Map.
15. You can use it to plan your Purposeful Actions.
16. You can share it with others who will help you achieve your dreams.
17. You can hide it and keep it a secret.
18. It is something that you love to look at.
19. It is something you can keep with you.
20. It is what you want in your life, your work of art, your creation and your future!
Love Barbara,
To learn how to make your best ever Vision board visit
To read these reasons in a little more detail:
What is YOUR dream?
Creating a Visionboard or map for your life. Vision boards are visual goals and POWERFUL. The Images you have in your mind are compelling. How do you really know if your imagination is aligned with your goals? Your Vision board is the visual representation of your dreams. It is where you begin the exciting journey to your success. Learn more about Your Vision board and how to manifest your dreams. Visit this blog often to discover visionboard success secrets.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Olympic Gold Medalist Strategy
One of the secrets to success is …"Brain Dead Consistency" - Frank Shorter, Olympic Gold 1972 and Olympic Silver 1976.
I was very fortunate to meet Frank Shorter and interview him.
He shared with me 3 steps to Success:
It may sound a little unconventional but it works!
1. "Brain Dead Consistency" in training for the event and visualizing the end result.
This goes way beyond developing a habit. It is about "doing the doing"- no matter what.
Napoleon Hill called it "keeping on- keeping on."
2. Familiarity. When your chance comes, and it will, it will seem familiar …and you will intuitively know what to do.
3. Action. When your chance comes… You will take action, you will grab the chance, sometimes on a hunch, you will trust your instincts and not be afraid of mistakes, with an inner knowing that you are on track.
Enjoy this short video.... http://youtu.be/pT_L19I0FVg
Love Barbara
I was very fortunate to meet Frank Shorter and interview him.
He shared with me 3 steps to Success:
It may sound a little unconventional but it works!
1. "Brain Dead Consistency" in training for the event and visualizing the end result.
This goes way beyond developing a habit. It is about "doing the doing"- no matter what.
Napoleon Hill called it "keeping on- keeping on."
2. Familiarity. When your chance comes, and it will, it will seem familiar …and you will intuitively know what to do.
3. Action. When your chance comes… You will take action, you will grab the chance, sometimes on a hunch, you will trust your instincts and not be afraid of mistakes, with an inner knowing that you are on track.
Enjoy this short video.... http://youtu.be/pT_L19I0FVg
Love Barbara
Celebrating YOUR Success!Helping Busy Entrepreneurs Quickly Achieve their Dreams…
Specializing in:
Barbara PellegrinoVision Board Success TrainerTransformational Life Coach, ACC, CPC, CECMaster Practitioner Energy LeadershipNLP Facilitator, Accelerated Learning Trainer,Speaker, Author.
Vision Board Creation, vision Board Success,Quantum Shifts Life Coaching(where a small shift can produce a huge result)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Ancient Success Formula!
Ancient Success Formula!
As you know I am always seeking, studying and assessing different and varied manifesting and success technologies, tools and techniques to help you get your dreams and goals as fast as possible.
All of which are in addition to your Vision Board foundation.
Recently I discovered this ancient 5 step formula to success* and couldn’t wait to share it with you…
Here are 5 steps to becoming
and achieving:
1. Will. You must have the will to move forward on the road to your success.
Napoleon Hill - Author of ”Think and grow rich” called this a burning desire.
2. GOAL. You must have a goal in mind, you must know what you want to do
3. PLAN. You must formulate a plan and have an image (of the end result) in your mind. (sounds like a visionboard to me - Visualize, imagine it is possible.)
4. METHOD. How are you going to accomplish your goal. Many LOA teachers say to us don’t worry about the "How’s" because they will come to you when you focus and visualize. But this really gives you a head start to know by what method you will achieve your dreams. Will you be in business, become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, artist, take a cruise, an airplane or a train, hike in Machu pichu or Nepal? As you take action and journey towards your goals you can always adjust and improve the method.
5. ACTION. The method you choose will direct your activity. The goal you choose gives you the direction and as you take each day at a time you may discover short cuts and faster ways to achieve success or maybe something even better will unfold for you.
* With thanks and adapted from “Endless Light” by David AAron
"The way of the warrior is the way of action... the way of the wizard is that way of attraction"
These principles allow you to find balance and you will know when to be the warrior to go out and get your goals and when to be the wizard, to remain still and visualize and create the inner vision, be receptive and open to ideas and inspiration.
Now is your time to create a plan and look at YOUR vision board and decide
do you have the WILL, the burning desire to actually go out and get what you have on your board? Will you take the action steps required to clarify your vision, develop new thought habits and create the life you dream of?
I am sure you will!
Have fun and enjoy!
Wishing you an AWESOME APRIL
Barbara Pellegrino
Get your FREE Morning Affirmations at http://www.visionboards.net
Monday, March 5, 2012
5 Things To Avoid - With Your Vision Board.
Anyone can cut and paste pictures onto a board, but very few people know what to do to actually materialize the dreams and goals they have chosen to put on their Vision Boards. Even fewer people know when they are “off track” or when their board is actually working against them.
How can a Vision Board, also known as a Treasure Map, Goal Board or Dream Board actually work against someone? Its easier than you might realise. Ever since the secret DVD bust onto the scene a few years ago people are practicing the “law of attraction.”
The law of attraction simply put is “like attracts like.” Psychologists explain that what you focus on expands… therefore many people assume that all they have to do is imagine and visualize the result they want, think positively and “presto” the results we desire will magically appear in our lives. For some (around 5%) that is exactly how it happens, but for the rest of us we have to do a little more and be careful not to use the “law of attraction” in reverse, meaning attracting what we don’t want.
Below are the top 5 things to avoid when you want to manifest your dreams and goals using a visual tool such as a vision board;
1. Don’t believe it can happen.
The first thing you must ask yourself is.... Is this really possible for me? Can I believe that I deserve it? In order to attract and manifest your dreams you really must believe that it can happen for you. You must have that deep inner knowing and burning desire to achieve and have that goal. And truly believe that, it’s not a matter of IF only …WHEN?
2. Don’t take action.
For some, their vision board will sit on the wall, the mirror, the fridge or even be hidden away in a closet …and again for around 5% of people, just because they have created their board, given their written goals and dreams a visual counterpart, it will be enough and their goals materialize, a little like magic! Actually, its not magic, it has a logical explanation but its more fun to think of it as magic! For the rest of us, we are going to have to do something to help the Visionboard work for us. For some, it will be doing a daily visualization practice, for others, creating a strategic plan of action. There are many personal development techniques that you can use that will help speed up the attainment of your dreams. Doing a daily practice is the key, its developing a new habit (or habits) that supports you in the journey towards your success.
3. Listen to others negativity.
Attitudes are catchy. People have the ability to influence others and there is an old saying “birds of a feather flock together.” So make sure if you cannot surround yourself with upbeat, positively focused people, that you at least protect yourself from the rampant negativity that is out there. Have you noticed there are no “good news” newspapers? Bad news sells for some reason...
4. Expect it all to go “smoothly” in a straight line.
This is the source of many shattered dreams and broken new years resolutions. When the going gets a little tough and the person doesn’t understand that in order to accomplish a dream or goal, there may be some learning or stumbling blocks along the way. Be open to the challenges and with them some growing pains. It will be worth it to achieve your dreams.
5. Doing it for someone else.
This is huge in our society.... so many people are giving up their own dreams and compromising to placate or please others. You have a journey, a reason for being here, get in touch with what you truly desire. Create your vision board and make sure that when you look at it… You Love It!
Live the life you dream of by creating your Vision board, taking consistent and creative action and truly believe… you deserve to have your dreams come true.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs, Founder Apple Computers.
© 2012 Barbara Pellegrino. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, March 2, 2012
What is a Paradigm Shift?
What is a paradigm shift?
First lets look at what a paradigm is, before we can learn how to shift one.
A paradigm could be described as a model or pattern, a template or a standard, or an archetype.
It is usually applied to a certain way of seeing or doing things.
A paradigm could be a habit. People are creatures of habit, we tend to do the same things, in the same way for many years and often it is only through chance or crisis that we are willing change our ways.
A Starbucks manager recently shared with me that as part of their (usually) excellent customer service they rely of the fact that people have a habitual way of being. Their customers usually come in at the same time of day and ask for the same drink and that is how their staff get to know the customers names and preferred drink in a very short time. Hence the friendly warm familiar greeting when you enter a Starbucks... that is… if you are a regular at a specific store.
Societies can have a certain a belief system or paradigm. Prior to Roger Bannister in 1954, no one had ever run a 4 minute mile and the prevailing belief in society was that it was not humanly possible. But on that particular day the paradigm was shifted...
(ref: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/may/6/newsid_2511000/2511575).
A paradigm shift comes when science or an individual discovers a better, more efficient or different way to get the same or better result.
A classic story about a paradigm shift is the 4 minute mile. Because one man changed society’s perception of what was possible it opened the way for so many other people to also beat the 4 minute mile barrier.

And then one day someone invented an electronic digital clock and the way humanity read time shifted... But it didn’t eliminate the watches it just gave us more choices.
There are other paradigms shifts that will eliminate old ways of doing things...
When the horseless carriage was invented, it paved the way for cars and other motor travel that have eliminated using horses as transport, for most of the world.
These paradigm shifts are beneficial all for our ease of life, growth and evolution.
What about personal paradigm shifts?
What does it take for us to change our ways to invite growth and enjoy better circumstance in our lives?
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With a Vision Board You have a blank canvas to paint the pictures you desire |
If we can first see in our minds eye and then clearly on a Vision Board, what we want, then we can imagine and discover or comprehend a different way to get us what we want.
There’s and old saying…
“if you always do what you have always done, then you will always get what you have always got.”
“if you always do what you have always done, then you will always get what you have always got.”
It may seem blatantly obvious, when you put it that way, but change can be hard for many people.
There is a story about a farmer who was using Oxen to pull his plough through his field to till the soil and the one day someone brought him a tractor. The farmer could not understand the benefit of the tractor…
You might ask. Because the farmer had hooked the oxen up to the tractor and it was really heavy to pull. He didn’t know that he was meant to put the plough behind the tractor and drive the tractor. The tractor was to replace the oxen... not the plough.
Where in your life are you being challenged to replace an old way of doing things, an old way of thinking an old belief system that no longer serves you.
Where are you being invited to step up, to become more than who you are now in order to achieve your dreams and the success you dream of?
Where are you being invited to step up, to become more than who you are now in order to achieve your dreams and the success you dream of?
In order to achieve your hearts desires what paradigms need to be shifted to give you a new and better, more efficient way to live your best life today?
With guidance, support and patience you can shift gears, change paradigms and live a full and happy, prosperous life.
To learn more about Vision Boards visit: www.visionboards.net
For Life, Energy and Business Coaching visit: www.visionarylifecoach.org
To read more about Barbara Pellegrino visit: www.visionarylifecoach.org
To learn more about Vision Boards visit: www.visionboards.net
For Life, Energy and Business Coaching visit: www.visionarylifecoach.org
To read more about Barbara Pellegrino visit: www.visionarylifecoach.org
Celebrating YOUR Success!
Helping Busy People Achieve Their Dreams Quickly
Barbara Pellegrino
Vision Board Success Trainer
Transformational Life Coach, ACC, CPC, CEC
Master Practitioner Energy Leadership
NLP Facilitator, Accelerated Learning Trainer,
Speaker, Author.
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