Have you ever received an abundance greater than the goals you set? I did again! ~ OK, so I am the Vision Board expert, but not all teachers "walk the talk".
Your Vision Board Journal will Guide you for 12 Months
- What to put on your board. - What to focus on every 30 days. - How to get fast results

My story: "Law of least resistance" - A few years ago I "let go" of some dreams and gave them to the universe to manifest in the right and perfect time, as I couldn't see the path to get there. Today a third BIG dream came through and all within the last 10 days, bigger and better and EASIER than I could have imagined. And in the perfect time, as I am ready to receive and appreciate these dreams at a much deeper level, having had those few years in between to evolve and develop myself to REALLY enjoy the benefits. Sometimes we just have to trust the Universe's timing, if we trust it to keep our hearts beating - we can trust that it will bring us our true desires - God helps those who help themselves! The Secret? Follow up after you make your Vision Board to focus, build the energy and trust the timing http://tinyurl.com/p8u7py Have an awesome day and notice the daily miracles - big or small- love Barbara P.s. Please share with friends