Creating a Visionboard or map for your life. Vision boards are visual goals and POWERFUL. The Images you have in your mind are compelling. How do you really know if your imagination is aligned with your goals? Your Vision board is the visual representation of your dreams. It is where you begin the exciting journey to your success. Learn more about Your Vision board and how to manifest your dreams. Visit this blog often to discover visionboard success secrets.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Congratulations Jeff - National Australian Champion in Badminton

This is a pic of the 2008 Australian National Champion for Men's Singles in Badminton!
We are working on Jeff's "Inner game of Badminton" - 30 Day Accelerator
Jeff Tho has been diligent in his "inner and outer world" training. By utilizing his visionboards and 30 Day Accelerator programs in addition to his athletic training and he reaps the rewards. CONGRATULATIONS JEFF!!!
Jeff and I have created the "Inner Game of Badminton" 30 Day Accelerator Journal to assist other aspiring sports champions to excel and win.
Contact Jeff for training and coaching in your favorite sport.
law of attraction,
sports champions,
vision boards
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Visionboard Classes produce great results!

New Visionboards - Treasure Maps, magnets for money, fun, success, whatever you desire!
Created this week. Attending a live class gives you a far greater depth of knowledge and command over how to attract your dreams and desires.
You can learn how to create your best Visionboard today and add the power of your mind to attract and manifest the dreams you still have deep inside you!
Email me for support and guidance :
Monday, August 4, 2008
Abi Achieves her business dreams

Hi Barbara,
I just wanted to thank you and let you know that so many of the things on my Treasure map have come true! I am still dating that guy that I met on the internet, over a year ago, and I have just bought a bakery and am working on transforming it, and my boyfriend is just as excited about it as I am , and has been helping and supporting me in this endeavor. Of course I am super busy and working a crazy lot, but I am enjoying it and I give thanks to my good fortune and to you, (and everyone else who has been there) for helping me to get here. Just wanted to let you know.
Dear Abi,
This is exquisite news! I am so looking forward coming to see you in your new business
Barbara :)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Jeff Loves The 30 Day Money Mindset Accelerator Journal
I just want to say that your 30 Day Money Accelerator is terrific!
It provides such great structure with variety to keep me so interested and excited to do the processes. The quotes in the contemplation sections and everywhere else in the planner are great and really put things into perspective.
I LOVE the full day of gratitude. It feels so great just to dedicate the whole day to being grateful for everything - big or small. The miracles log is magnificent also!
I find the 30 Day Money Accelerator really does create and promote a wealthy mindset!
Jeff Tho. #1 Badminton- Mens Singles. Melbourne, Australia
It provides such great structure with variety to keep me so interested and excited to do the processes. The quotes in the contemplation sections and everywhere else in the planner are great and really put things into perspective.
I LOVE the full day of gratitude. It feels so great just to dedicate the whole day to being grateful for everything - big or small. The miracles log is magnificent also!
I find the 30 Day Money Accelerator really does create and promote a wealthy mindset!
Jeff Tho. #1 Badminton- Mens Singles. Melbourne, Australia
Friday, May 30, 2008
Caroline From Australia Gets a New Car with Love
Hi Barbara
I was driving down the freeway to Melbourne on the weekend. A journey of an hour and a half to visit my grandfather who was having a stay in a nursing home while my parents were away.
I was reflecting on my life and what my next big step would be. The goal of financial freedom is never far from my mind however, with two teenage daughters, lots of animals, and a full time job I do not have a great deal of time to work out how to go out on a limb in order to increase my income.
My present job does not pay very well but also leaves me too tired to think about being courageous and giving it up to seek something else. Two years ago I was driving to work as I do everyday in my car, at the time one of the oldest on the road with no air conditioning and very rusty; I was looking at my hands on the steering wheel and I began to visualise my hands on the steering wheel of a smart new car.
I would look about me on the freeway and pick a car that I would like to own and blow it a kiss. I continued this visualisation and smiling at new cars everyday for a few months and thanking the Universe for the new car that was coming.
One day whilst I was at work, my father rang up and said, “your Mother and I are at the car yard and I have picked out a car for you – what colour do you want?” I never in my wildest visioning knew how I was going to get a new car.
Certainly didn’t think my father was going to go into a car yard one day and decide to get me a car. Now, going to visit my grandfather I looked at my hands on the steering wheel of my gorgeous new car which has been with me for two years now and I thought….well it worked!
If, like I was, you are tired of hearing these kind of stories of people getting things without having to lift a finger…well I like to think I actually did work hard for this new car….I spread a lot of love around on the busy, mad freeway
I can tell you! Angry, frustrated faces of commuters, busy traffic jams, people late for work and very stressed—I worked at being very grateful, peaceful and loving and like to think the Universe (and Dad) thanked me in return.
Kind regards
Congratulations Caroline, Thank you for this story.
Imagine how we could reduce road rage if more people did what you did
I was driving down the freeway to Melbourne on the weekend. A journey of an hour and a half to visit my grandfather who was having a stay in a nursing home while my parents were away.
I was reflecting on my life and what my next big step would be. The goal of financial freedom is never far from my mind however, with two teenage daughters, lots of animals, and a full time job I do not have a great deal of time to work out how to go out on a limb in order to increase my income.
My present job does not pay very well but also leaves me too tired to think about being courageous and giving it up to seek something else. Two years ago I was driving to work as I do everyday in my car, at the time one of the oldest on the road with no air conditioning and very rusty; I was looking at my hands on the steering wheel and I began to visualise my hands on the steering wheel of a smart new car.
I would look about me on the freeway and pick a car that I would like to own and blow it a kiss. I continued this visualisation and smiling at new cars everyday for a few months and thanking the Universe for the new car that was coming.
One day whilst I was at work, my father rang up and said, “your Mother and I are at the car yard and I have picked out a car for you – what colour do you want?” I never in my wildest visioning knew how I was going to get a new car.
Certainly didn’t think my father was going to go into a car yard one day and decide to get me a car. Now, going to visit my grandfather I looked at my hands on the steering wheel of my gorgeous new car which has been with me for two years now and I thought….well it worked!
If, like I was, you are tired of hearing these kind of stories of people getting things without having to lift a finger…well I like to think I actually did work hard for this new car….I spread a lot of love around on the busy, mad freeway
I can tell you! Angry, frustrated faces of commuters, busy traffic jams, people late for work and very stressed—I worked at being very grateful, peaceful and loving and like to think the Universe (and Dad) thanked me in return.
Kind regards
Congratulations Caroline, Thank you for this story.
Imagine how we could reduce road rage if more people did what you did
new car,
road rage,
the secret,
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Immense Power of Appreciation and Gratitude.
Appreciation and Gratitude are quite popular concepts nowadays, since “The Secret” exploded into our consciousness. As you know, practicing and becoming expert in the basics give us a strong foundation to build on.
If you are already practicing gratitude and keeping a journal, or a gratitude board, consider adding this distinction to your current practice and see how much more energy becomes available to you to attract your dreams and desires.
Consider writing a daily list of your Gratitudes.
1. What or who you are grateful for…things, people, events.
Writing a list of all the things you can think of, that you already have in your life is a powerful process. A minimum of 5 and any amount above that is good. In this case, if a little is good, more is better. It can be the most basic of things to the most profound. The first two items on my gratitude list everyday are “Thank you for my good health and my healthy husband and family.” After that, I list whatever I decide on that day. Somedays my list comprises of 5 items, other days it is 15- 20.
2. Why are you grateful?
Choose some items from your list and write another list as to why you are grateful for each of these things, people or events. This process of appreciation adds importance to each item and impacts your neurology. As you search for reasons and ideas, your mind remains focused whilst lingering on a pleasant topic. In fact, this is an ideal and easy way to improve your concentration, and it is a great subject for contemplation, which strengthens your ability to concentrate. The conscious mind is in constant motion, it is usually very active and often turbulent, therefore, training your mind to remain focused for a period of five minutes or more, adds power to everything you do in life, including your visualizations, affirmations and any other creative work that you may practice to activate the law of attraction.
3. How does it makes you feel?
Ask this question for each item on your list, because this question adds emotion, which strengthens your “vibration” and resonance. You may also find out what your values are, as the same feelings may emerge from each item that you question. An example of this is: I feel a sense of freedom, great love or support. The universe will deliver to you situations, circumstances, events and people according to your predominant thoughts and feelings which create your resonance. You may start to experience more reality according to your values.
Adding the focused questions of why and how, helps to add to your “attractor factor” (Joe Vitale’s term), your vibration of “already having” what it is you want. Being appreciative and considering these concepts allows your creative mind to contemplate and reach far more deeply into the concept of gratitude and the art of allowing and receiving. While you are thinking and feeling about what you already have in life, you are allowing or inviting the universe to bring you more.
Your resistance is down, and you are not thinking about what you don’t want, or feeling lack or limitation, you are in the attitude and vibration of appreciation, gratitude and maybe even love and that sends out a strong signal to attract what you want, and now you are open to receiving it.
Some days when I am feeling stuck and my goals seem so elusive, I spend a day in gratitude. I let go of all expectations and just give thanks... pretty much all day. When I do this process, I feel a sense of relief and a “letting go” of tension, worry and fear, and I always find that shortly after, I receive an abundance of events that I am extremely grateful for… Great things happen, I meet incredible people and I seem to be in the right pace at the right time. Try it today, make it a habit and then allow the universe to reveal and bring its treasures to you.
If you are already practicing gratitude and keeping a journal, or a gratitude board, consider adding this distinction to your current practice and see how much more energy becomes available to you to attract your dreams and desires.
Consider writing a daily list of your Gratitudes.
1. What or who you are grateful for…things, people, events.
Writing a list of all the things you can think of, that you already have in your life is a powerful process. A minimum of 5 and any amount above that is good. In this case, if a little is good, more is better. It can be the most basic of things to the most profound. The first two items on my gratitude list everyday are “Thank you for my good health and my healthy husband and family.” After that, I list whatever I decide on that day. Somedays my list comprises of 5 items, other days it is 15- 20.
2. Why are you grateful?
Choose some items from your list and write another list as to why you are grateful for each of these things, people or events. This process of appreciation adds importance to each item and impacts your neurology. As you search for reasons and ideas, your mind remains focused whilst lingering on a pleasant topic. In fact, this is an ideal and easy way to improve your concentration, and it is a great subject for contemplation, which strengthens your ability to concentrate. The conscious mind is in constant motion, it is usually very active and often turbulent, therefore, training your mind to remain focused for a period of five minutes or more, adds power to everything you do in life, including your visualizations, affirmations and any other creative work that you may practice to activate the law of attraction.
3. How does it makes you feel?
Ask this question for each item on your list, because this question adds emotion, which strengthens your “vibration” and resonance. You may also find out what your values are, as the same feelings may emerge from each item that you question. An example of this is: I feel a sense of freedom, great love or support. The universe will deliver to you situations, circumstances, events and people according to your predominant thoughts and feelings which create your resonance. You may start to experience more reality according to your values.
Adding the focused questions of why and how, helps to add to your “attractor factor” (Joe Vitale’s term), your vibration of “already having” what it is you want. Being appreciative and considering these concepts allows your creative mind to contemplate and reach far more deeply into the concept of gratitude and the art of allowing and receiving. While you are thinking and feeling about what you already have in life, you are allowing or inviting the universe to bring you more.
Your resistance is down, and you are not thinking about what you don’t want, or feeling lack or limitation, you are in the attitude and vibration of appreciation, gratitude and maybe even love and that sends out a strong signal to attract what you want, and now you are open to receiving it.
Some days when I am feeling stuck and my goals seem so elusive, I spend a day in gratitude. I let go of all expectations and just give thanks... pretty much all day. When I do this process, I feel a sense of relief and a “letting go” of tension, worry and fear, and I always find that shortly after, I receive an abundance of events that I am extremely grateful for… Great things happen, I meet incredible people and I seem to be in the right pace at the right time. Try it today, make it a habit and then allow the universe to reveal and bring its treasures to you.
" The Universe may not give you what you want, but it does give you what you have been thinking. Thoughts become things, so chose the good ones.” Mike Dooley
“What you think about and thank about, you bring about.” Dr. John Demartini.
© 2008 Barbara Pellegrino - All Rights Reserved.
vision boards
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I always dreamed of being an author...Now I am one
Since 1994 I have been living my greatest of Dreams, beyond what I had thought was possible. Even though I had a great career and was living a good life ... my biggest dreams and goals hadn't come true, until I made myself a treasure map, now referred to as vision boards. The work involved, to make your dreams come true, is no where near the great rewards you will receive, once you know how to create a treasure map and focus your mind. Trained in Mind Power, Barbara is a certified NLP (neuro linguistic programming) facilitator and trainer and now a published author with Dr. Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, Michael Beckwith and Bill Harris in
"Living in Abundance". Barbara conducts Treasure Mapping YOUR Way to Success, workshops and advanced classes in Hawaii, Australia and Mainland USA. Private coaching sessions are available by appointment.

treasure maps,
An Author arrives...
Tonight I ran my "Treasure Mapping Your way to Success" workshop at Windward Community College, where it all began 2 years ago (I ran the first workshop on Feb 22, 2006).
Half way through the evening during the actual Map making, My Husband Rand, arrives and announces that the book, I have an article in, had arrived and here are 8 copies.
I was absolutely astounded, because about 45 minutes earlier I had spoken about the book and explained to the class the whole story about how I became a co-author in this book with big names like Tony Robbins, Michael Beckwith, Wayne Dyer and Bill Harris, and that I was going to be receiving the books sometime in February.
When Rand quietly entered the room, carrying the books, at first it didn't register what he was carrying and I didn't know why he had come to visit during the class... and then he put the books on the table, announcing they had just arrived and I might like to show them to the class...... What a surprise! I was delighted, excited and "blown away" by the timing and the miracle of these books arriving totally unannounced, plus Rand specially taking the time to hand deliver them.
Then Rand left, as quickly as he had arrived announcing..... "You are now a published Author."
and then I was even more astonished, excited and delighted, when everyone, wanted a signed copy, then and there, in fact I didn't have enough and I have to deliver more tomorrow~! ... What a great celebration for and testimony to the power of Treasure Mapping !
I am so excited, delighted and humbled by the syncronicity and timing of these events. Dreams do come true and, they just get better!

Class with their signed copies of my new book.

Half way through the evening during the actual Map making, My Husband Rand, arrives and announces that the book, I have an article in, had arrived and here are 8 copies.
I was absolutely astounded, because about 45 minutes earlier I had spoken about the book and explained to the class the whole story about how I became a co-author in this book with big names like Tony Robbins, Michael Beckwith, Wayne Dyer and Bill Harris, and that I was going to be receiving the books sometime in February.
When Rand quietly entered the room, carrying the books, at first it didn't register what he was carrying and I didn't know why he had come to visit during the class... and then he put the books on the table, announcing they had just arrived and I might like to show them to the class...... What a surprise! I was delighted, excited and "blown away" by the timing and the miracle of these books arriving totally unannounced, plus Rand specially taking the time to hand deliver them.
Then Rand left, as quickly as he had arrived announcing..... "You are now a published Author."
and then I was even more astonished, excited and delighted, when everyone, wanted a signed copy, then and there, in fact I didn't have enough and I have to deliver more tomorrow~! ... What a great celebration for and testimony to the power of Treasure Mapping !
I am so excited, delighted and humbled by the syncronicity and timing of these events. Dreams do come true and, they just get better!

Class with their signed copies of my new book.

Me signing copies for the class.
Love Barbara
Come,Create & Keep Your Dreams!
Barbara Pellegrino
Treasure Mapping Your Way To Success
Come,Create & Keep Your Dreams!
Barbara Pellegrino
Treasure Mapping Your Way To Success
Sunday, March 9, 2008
What you resist You persist
What you resist You persist.
Understanding the laws of attraction and least resistance.
by Barbara Pellegrino
Understanding the laws of attraction and least resistance.
by Barbara Pellegrino
Have you heard the saying what you resist, persists? When you understand how the law of attraction works you will realize that what you resist and how you resist will only cause it to continue in your life. If you push against something, by the natural law, it will push back against you.
If you choose to resist, you are choosing for it to persist. Whatever energy you put out into the Universe, will come back to you, in fact some disciplines say that what you put out you will get back multifold - multiplied or expanded many times.
The law of attraction states “Like attracts like” and the Universal Genie, as referred to in the DVD, The Secret, can only give you the experiences of your life; events, places people and things, according to your resonance, your vibration, your energy, which all stem from your predominant thoughts and feelings.
If situations, circumstances and people start to appear in your life, that you don’t want, what do you do? Our natural tendency is to resist, to say no, fight against it and get upset about it.
If you can grasp the concept that these things are residual, like stars that burnt out many years ago, yet we still see their light shine, then you will have the power to create and not react.
Deepak Chopra explains this in his 7 Spiritual Laws to Success; “The law of least resistance”, to judge nothing and be grateful for everything. This is easier said than done, especially when things just aren’t going the way you had planned, hoped for or envisioned.
How do you judge nothing, and be grateful when you feel bad, things aren’t working the way you had planned or imagined? Firstly it is a conscious choice and then it becomes a learned skill and eventually a habit.
1. Choose, to create what you want in that moment.
When you understand that this situation you are currently experiencing is like a burnt out star whose light is still shining and the energy that attracted this to you was released some time in the past. You will have power to not feel helpless, or like a victim and be able to consciously choose how you will think and feel from this moment on.
2. Learn a new skill - What can I be grateful for in this moment?
Ask yourself the question and listen for the answer. Some people ask God, or the Universe or their own subconscious mind or higher self. Ask whatever you believe the universal consciousness to be, the magic is in the asking. Its a distraction technique for the mind and allows your intuition to give you the answer and it instantly changes your resonance, your energy, as the focus changes from reaction to creation and gratitude. What goes out must come back, so isn’t it better to send out a vibration of gratitude rather than anger, frustration or disappointment which are highly charged, emotional and powerful vibrations.
If you practice it and eventually master it as a skill, it will become a habit and second nature.
No such thing as problems, only opportunities.
Jim Edwards, Internet Marketing Guru, said the one question that has made him the most money is “What’s the opportunity?”
You may say, there’s no opportunity, this is a disaster! Everything is ruined!
Yet, all the motivational speakers say that this is the time that you can dig deep down inside and get in touch with your immense inner power. This is the power that is referred to when a Grandmother has the strength to lift a car of a child.
When you ask for the benefit, the blessing, the opportunity in this situation, it firstly changes your energy to that of curiosity rather than negativity and sets your powerful subconscious mind off in the direction of seeking out any potential benefit or opportunity.
The difference between a lucky and unlucky person is that “lucky people are “skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self fulfilling prophecies via positive expectations and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.”
Exerpt from All the Money in the world by Peter W. Bernstein & Annalyn Swan
When you choose to resist nothing, be grateful for everything and be curious as to where the opportunities lie, you will be amazed at how quickly a negative thought, feeling or situation changes.
© 2008 Barbara Pellegrino – All Rights Reserved.From the reefs of Australia to the rainbows of Hawaii Barbara is a renowned speaker, trainer, author and coach. She presents her workshop, Treasure Mapping Your Way to Success, in Hawaii. Mainland USA and Internationally. She is renowned for teaching people HOW to make their dreams come true using, Practical, Powerful, Proven techniques for rapid and successful manifesting
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Make 2008 YOUR year for success
If you really want to be successful at anything, you will always need to get “back to basics.” Understanding the fundamentals is paramount to achievement. Vince Lombardi the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers football team, is famous for beginning each summer training camp by holding up a football and saying “Gentlemen, this is a football.”
It seems a bit redundant doesn’t it? Don’t you think that these champion athletes, know what a football looks like? Yet Vince Lombardi felt it imperative.
Now, imagine if you were building a new house, where would you begin? Choosing the paint color, the window trims or light fixtures? Or digging the foundation and deciding on the materials that will comprise the basic structure. It may be more fun to chose the “pretty” things first, but having a strong powerful foundation, for your house is far more important initially. Even if you do choose the paints, trims and lights first, you will need to put them on hold, or in storage somewhere until the house is ready.
It seems to be common sense, yet, I see many people trying to achieve their dreams and goals, with out first building a strong foundation.
Especially, when one dream has been achieved and a new goal is set. People often forget that they are embarking on a whole new journey, entailing new lessons and mastering new skills.
Therefore a basic mind power program, daily, is essential to all success. It is how you master the law of attraction. The Universe is impartial and unemotional, it will only reflect back to you, your predominant thoughts and feelings, not your vague wishes, slight hopes or faint desires.
As Mike Dooley from The Secret says ” The Universe may not give you what you want, but it does give you what you have been thinking.” So how do you create predominant thoughts and feelings?
To guarantee you have the fundamentals covered:
1. Create a Treasure Map/Vision Board and have written goals.
A thirty year Harvard study found that the top 3% of the graduating class, controlled 95% of the personal wealth and all had specific and written goals. All success systems encourage you to write your goals. Many suggest you write them as if they are already accomplished and some personal development trainers suggest you write them out daily. Bob Proctor suggests writing goals in this manner: “ I am so happy and grateful, now that...(fill in the blank with your current goal)....” Written goals are great for the left side of your brain. Pictures are great for the right side of you brain and for the subconscious mind. So for a whole brain integration, make sure you have a colorful and vibrant visual goal board in addition to your written goals.
2. Visualize, Feel and Celebrate the end result daily.
To guarantee your success vibration, a daily 5 minute, full sensory visualization, celebrating the end result (feeling the relief and gratitude of an accomplished goal) is far more powerful than scattered or intermittent positive thinking throughout the day. Thoughts are real forces and can be scientifically measured. A focused 5 minute celebration has far greater attraction power than many less focused thoughts added together. People often think they are “doing the work” when they aren’t really. This is the difference between going to the gym and chatting to your friends versus going to the gym and doing the exercises.
3. Be diligent in your practices.
In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra says; ” Success in life can be defined as the continual expansion of happiness the progressive realization of worthy goals. Fulfilling ones desires with effortless ease.”
The way he suggests this can be accomplished is by a daily mediation practice. Even though goals change and accomplished dreams become the basis of new desires, dreams and goals, the method by which they are accomplished remains the same, daily basic practices.
No matter what goal, dream or desire you are working on now, the important part is your daily practices, the foundation of your goals rely on what you do every day.
© 2008 Barbara Pellegrino – All Rights Reserved.
To assist you in your success I created the 30 Day Accelerator Mind Training Program, a powerful daily guide and journal, to help you establish excellent new habits. It will be like having your own Personal Trainer with you at home.
“I loved the 30 Day Accelerator Program. I think it should be on going, I have the most focus and energy when I write in the journal everyday.”
Keli, Mother, Independant Consultant. HB California.
“The good thing about the 30 Day Accelerator Program is that it gives you a structured framework for thinking. Having a separate page for each day provides a scratch pad to
crystalize thought process and keep focused on the big picture. Thank you.”
Patrick Correya, Project Manager. Australia.
“Dear Barbara, the 30 Day Accelerator Program has helped me so much. It got me in the habit of focusing on my goals from many different angles and perspectives.”
Mercedes, Mother, Artist, Model. USA.
Doing your Mind Training Practices daily, making them your habits will be the best foundation for your continued success through 2008.
Happy New Year and congratulations on your accomplished goals!
To obtain YOUR 30 Day Program now, please click here:
Barbara Pellegrino
© 2008 Barbara Pellegrino – All Rights Reserved.
From the reefs of Australia to the rainbows of Hawaii Barbara is a renowned speaker, trainer, author and coach. She presents her workshop, Treasure Mapping Your Way to Success, in Hawaii. Mainland USA and Internationally. She is renowned for teaching people HOW to make their dreams come true using, Practical, Powerful, Proven techniques for rapid and successful manifesting.
It seems a bit redundant doesn’t it? Don’t you think that these champion athletes, know what a football looks like? Yet Vince Lombardi felt it imperative.
Now, imagine if you were building a new house, where would you begin? Choosing the paint color, the window trims or light fixtures? Or digging the foundation and deciding on the materials that will comprise the basic structure. It may be more fun to chose the “pretty” things first, but having a strong powerful foundation, for your house is far more important initially. Even if you do choose the paints, trims and lights first, you will need to put them on hold, or in storage somewhere until the house is ready.
It seems to be common sense, yet, I see many people trying to achieve their dreams and goals, with out first building a strong foundation.
Especially, when one dream has been achieved and a new goal is set. People often forget that they are embarking on a whole new journey, entailing new lessons and mastering new skills.
Therefore a basic mind power program, daily, is essential to all success. It is how you master the law of attraction. The Universe is impartial and unemotional, it will only reflect back to you, your predominant thoughts and feelings, not your vague wishes, slight hopes or faint desires.
As Mike Dooley from The Secret says ” The Universe may not give you what you want, but it does give you what you have been thinking.” So how do you create predominant thoughts and feelings?
To guarantee you have the fundamentals covered:
1. Create a Treasure Map/Vision Board and have written goals.
A thirty year Harvard study found that the top 3% of the graduating class, controlled 95% of the personal wealth and all had specific and written goals. All success systems encourage you to write your goals. Many suggest you write them as if they are already accomplished and some personal development trainers suggest you write them out daily. Bob Proctor suggests writing goals in this manner: “ I am so happy and grateful, now that...(fill in the blank with your current goal)....” Written goals are great for the left side of your brain. Pictures are great for the right side of you brain and for the subconscious mind. So for a whole brain integration, make sure you have a colorful and vibrant visual goal board in addition to your written goals.
2. Visualize, Feel and Celebrate the end result daily.
To guarantee your success vibration, a daily 5 minute, full sensory visualization, celebrating the end result (feeling the relief and gratitude of an accomplished goal) is far more powerful than scattered or intermittent positive thinking throughout the day. Thoughts are real forces and can be scientifically measured. A focused 5 minute celebration has far greater attraction power than many less focused thoughts added together. People often think they are “doing the work” when they aren’t really. This is the difference between going to the gym and chatting to your friends versus going to the gym and doing the exercises.
3. Be diligent in your practices.
In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra says; ” Success in life can be defined as the continual expansion of happiness the progressive realization of worthy goals. Fulfilling ones desires with effortless ease.”
The way he suggests this can be accomplished is by a daily mediation practice. Even though goals change and accomplished dreams become the basis of new desires, dreams and goals, the method by which they are accomplished remains the same, daily basic practices.
No matter what goal, dream or desire you are working on now, the important part is your daily practices, the foundation of your goals rely on what you do every day.
© 2008 Barbara Pellegrino – All Rights Reserved.
To assist you in your success I created the 30 Day Accelerator Mind Training Program, a powerful daily guide and journal, to help you establish excellent new habits. It will be like having your own Personal Trainer with you at home.
“I loved the 30 Day Accelerator Program. I think it should be on going, I have the most focus and energy when I write in the journal everyday.”
Keli, Mother, Independant Consultant. HB California.
“The good thing about the 30 Day Accelerator Program is that it gives you a structured framework for thinking. Having a separate page for each day provides a scratch pad to
crystalize thought process and keep focused on the big picture. Thank you.”
Patrick Correya, Project Manager. Australia.
“Dear Barbara, the 30 Day Accelerator Program has helped me so much. It got me in the habit of focusing on my goals from many different angles and perspectives.”
Mercedes, Mother, Artist, Model. USA.
Doing your Mind Training Practices daily, making them your habits will be the best foundation for your continued success through 2008.
Happy New Year and congratulations on your accomplished goals!
To obtain YOUR 30 Day Program now, please click here:
Barbara Pellegrino
© 2008 Barbara Pellegrino – All Rights Reserved.
From the reefs of Australia to the rainbows of Hawaii Barbara is a renowned speaker, trainer, author and coach. She presents her workshop, Treasure Mapping Your Way to Success, in Hawaii. Mainland USA and Internationally. She is renowned for teaching people HOW to make their dreams come true using, Practical, Powerful, Proven techniques for rapid and successful manifesting.
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